Why Use EncryptOnClick?

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Why Use EncryptOnClick?



Uses for EncryptOnClick Freeware


There are many reasons why you may wish to encrypt your data. For example, you may want to send a file to another person via email, or store sensitive files on removable media, e.g. a USB key. EncryptOnClick ensures your file(s) can only be opened by someone who knows the password you've defined.


Perhaps you're going to be away from your computer for a while and want to make sure nobody snoops around your files. You may have very sensitive or confidential files, e.g. financial information, that you simply cannot let other people gain access to, or you may be travelling with a notebook/laptop containing confidential documents you need to keep secure. EncryptOnClick helps you ensure your files are kept safe under lock and key.


EncryptOnClick can also encrypt the filenames for maximum security.




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